We gonna flashback a bit…..

The more I think about it, the idea for “Spit” has been on my mind for a very very long time. I actually have been in many ways been musing about it for quite sometime frankly and didn’t even know it. Here is evidence.

About 6 years ago I released an album called “Ronin” which was a collab with myself and unsung producer Laisante Zaquan Holland. The highlight of the album for me was a song called “8 AM Blues”, about a man struggling with his own existence so much that he essentially withdraws from active living. It was a reflection of stuff I was going through at the time but I can see now it was the early bubbles of what I am creating today. It’s one of my most proud musical moments. In 2009 I released a video for the song Directed by my good friend Abe Heisler. Check it out below:


Scott Thorough Signs On To Score “Spit”

It gives me great pleasure to announce that Brooklyn born and bred Film Composer and Music Producer Scott Thorough has officially signed on to score my film “Spit”. I have known Scott for quite sometime (we actually were roommates for while, 474!) and what has always impressed me was his versatility. Scott is rooted in Hip Hop, rooted in NY, much of the terrain that will be traveled in Spit he has walked and some of it with me. But what makes Scott special is his nuance, his deep knowledge and love for all music, his great sensitivity to cinema, to dramatic energy and his ability to weave that all in. – Mtume Gant

To read more about Scott and check the campaign click on the pick below!


Spit has now raised nearly 20% of it’s goal in the first few days!!!

Spit would have not come into my thinking if it not had been for my discovery of the profound work of Russian Filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky. There is so much I can say about him, his films and philosophies but what stuck to me was a quote where he encourages young filmmakers “Not to make a difference between the movie and their own life”. That is Spit in its total essence, this Film is 100% me. Tarkovsky used himself in his work, it was complete self analysis on all spectrums, and because he had that integrity he abandoned the need for popular convention in cinema. He knew convention was a trapping, a ruse to appeal, but it kept us away from artistic purity and often makes us compromise our integrity since we end trying to appeal rather than communicate. So when I wrote the screenplay for Spit I dug into myself completely. I will talk about this more as the campaign goes on. Check out this clip below where the quote comes from:

The Spit indiegogo campaign is here!

So here it is my peoples. The official launch for the Indiegogo campaign for what will be the very first short feature film directed by myself. Words can not express how excited I am to be presenting this to you all, its a nice mix of anxiety and butterflies but its now or never! Please check out the campaign! We have 45 days to get the funds. It’s also going to be an exciting 45 days with a lot of updates and various other goodies so keep an eye on the project! Have a strong feeling this is a special one we have here and maybe the single most exciting thing to come into my life since who knows what. – Mtume

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